
Showing posts from June, 2021

Progression is a rollercoaster, not a staircase

  Progression is a rollercoaster, not a staircase I’m sure you have heard of at least one of these phrases: “keep moving forwards”, “things are looking up” or “It can only go up from here!”…   All of these supposedly motivational quotes have one thing in common – they portray success and an upwards and forwards journey. To some extent, I like these quotes as they imply a heaven-style location of success that we can all work towards giving us all a goal, vision or idea of the reward of our hard work.   However, when we look at the journey of progress rather than success, they simply couldn’t be more wrong. Firstly, let us look at the simple idea of a staircase.   If the queue for the lift is too long or there isn’t a working escalator, we will reluctantly take the stairs to walk from one floor to another.   For this example, we will be looking only at walking up a staircase.   As we walk up this staircase, one leg at a time, complaining about the out o...